Monday, December 10, 2007

Flashpix Generator

Want to add a flash picture to your site or myspace page?

Choose a picture, a border and an effect and make your own Flashpix.

Then the directions are:
What do I do with all this then? - to add this flashy text to your MySpace Page, follow these simple instructions..
  1. Log into your MySpace account. From your home page (click "Home" in the menu) select "Edit Profile"

  2. In the text area where you'd like the flashy text to appear, place the code that you see above you at the moment

    Yeah, but how do I do that? - highlight the code with your mouse (it should automatically highlight when you click on it) and then copy (press CTRL+C) the code. Then go to the area in your MySpace profile where you want the text to appear, place your cursor in the text and press paste (CTRL+V).
    If you are using Internet Explorer you can click on "Copy Code" to do this automatically (you may get asked to allow the page access to the Windows clipboard)

  3. Save your profile and you're done! Sit back and wait for the compliments on your cool new flashy profile to come pouring in...

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